Harry Anderson exhibition at
Anderson Gallery, Virginia Commonwealth University 1972

Photograph of two installations by Harry Anderson at VCU's Anderson gallery one employing standing fans and one photographs & neon

Installation I, Fans    Installation II, photographs & neon

Harry Anderson artworks created from photographs and neon

Installation II, photographs with neon

A wall work created using a photograph and neon

Untitled Silver print, Neon

Harry Anderson Black Line Prints of found imagery

Photographs I, II, III are found images on ortho film

Titled Heart in Hand, this work employs neon, linoleum and a mannequins hand

Heart in Hand     neon, linoleum, mannequin hand

Oversized demonstration rifle models and pedestals are used in this piece

installation, oversized demonstration rifle models and pedestals

A site specific installation by Harry Anderson whose elements consisted of a mission oak couch, a florescent bulb (on the floor and covered with the broken Fiesta) and a potted palm. Oct. 1972   Anderson Gallery, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA

A site specific installation by Harry Anderson whose elements consisted of a mission oak couch,
a florescent bulb (on the floor and covered with the broken Fiesta) and a potted palm

During this period Anderson often included elements found at the site of an exhibition in his installations. At the Anderson Gallery at VCU these elements included a potted palm, pedestals and standing fans of which he adjusted the heights to suit.

1970 - 1974

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